Marijke Pinoy | NTGent
Marijke Michiel Devijver

Marijke Pinoy (°1958), studied drama at the Ghent Conservatory where she received "First Prize in Dramatic Art" in 1985. She also completed internships at Jacques Lecoq (Paris), Grotowski (Liège), and the Method/Stanislavski (Brussels), among others. At the end of the 80s, she toured internationally with the movement theatre collective Pantarei. Marijke has performed in numerous theatre performances and worked for various companies, including Theater Zuidpool as an actor, director and as member of the artistic team, De Werf, Arca, Theater Malpertuis, Cie Cecilia as co-founder and actor, FC Bergman, Action Zoo Humain and NTGent. In 2000 she also received the Velinx Audience Award as an actor for the monologue Bouche B.

She directed the performance Yerma vraagt een toefeling  (Yerma asks for a beating) for music LOD. In 2006 she was a curator for Theater aan Zee (TAZ). Achter 't eten  (After the meal) (from Ceremonia, directed by Eric Devolder) received the Theatre Festival Prize in 2004 as the most interesting performance of the season. Pinoy has performed at several major festivals - mostly with French productions - including Avignon, Paris, Lausanne, Reims, Lille and Berlin.

In addition to her work in the theatre, Pinoy can also regularly be seen on the big screen, for example in Sinner, Cleo, Music Hole, Het gezin van Paemel  (The van Paemel Family), Belgica, Een ander zijn geluk  (Someone else’s happiness), Problemski Hotel, Vidange Perdue  (The Only One), Ben X, Au Cul du Loup  (Miles from Anywhere) and Elle ne pleure pas, elle chante  (She is not crying, she is singing). In recent years she has been on television in Nonkels  (Uncles), De Dag  (The Day), De Smaak van de Keyser  (The Taste of De Keyser), In Vlaamse Velden  (In Flanders Fields), Red Sonja, and in the international series The Team.

Recently Marijke Pinoy performed in the theatre production Ils nous ont oubliés (director Séverine Chavrier) and in Portrait of a disappearing woman, a short film by Nelson Polfliet that will open the Kortfilmfestival Leuven in December 2022.

Pinoy teaches at the KASK - School of Arts - Ghent. 

After earlier collaborations with NTGent for Ginds, tussen de netels  (Over there, between the nettles) and for Woyzeck (directed by Eric Devolder), Marijke Pinoy has been a part of the cast of Onderworpen  (Submission) (based on the novel by Houellebecq) and of the diptych Platform/Onderworpen, directed by Johan Simons and Chokri Ben Chikha since 2016-2017. During the 2017-2018 season, she was a guest at Action Zoo Humain with two performances: Le Chicon  (The Chicory) and Amnes(t)ie

In the 2018-2019 season, she was part of the cast of  Orestes in Mosul, the highly acclaimed play for which director Milo Rau, artistic leader of NTGent, and his team travelled to Mosul to stage their version of the famous Greek tragedy. Since 2021, Marijke Pinoy is involved with the newly founded film department of the Mosul Institute of Fine Arts, a project that is supported by the UNESCO-programme Revive the Spirit of Mosul.

This season, Marijke Pinoy can be seen at NTGent in Maison Maeterlinck / Theater Immobiel  in the first Belgian direction by the Swiss theatre director Thom Luz.

- Update November 2022

Marijke Pinoy