Papy Maurice Mbwiti | NTGent
Papy Mbwiti Histoires Du Theatre Ii C Agathe Poupeney Crop

Papy Maurice Mbwiti graduated in international relations and started as an actor in Kinshasa.

Besides being a writer, playwright and director, he is also artistic director of Mbila Kréation Théâtre, manager of the cultural space Les Béjarts and works with the company Utafika théâtre.

With three pieces by Faustin Linyekula, The Dialogue Series: iii Dinozord (2006), La Fratrie errante (2007) and Sur les traces de Dinozord (2011), he toured in Europe (Festival d'Avignon, Parisian quartier d'été, KVS Theater, LIFT....), Africa and the United States (Crossing the Line, NYC, Red Cat, Los Angeles). Together with Faustin Linyekula, he is still assistant director of Bérénice for the Comédie française in 2009.

In 2010 he played in A l'attente du livre d'or, directed by Johan de Hollander and created with Marie-Louise Bibish Mumbu. He is also an interpreter for Monika Gintersdorfer. In 2011 he worked on the adaptation and staging of Marie-Louise Bibish Mumbu's novel Samantha in Kinshasa and participates in a residency at the Maison des Authors in Limoges.

Papy Maurice Mbwiti has been living in Montreal for 4 years and is now an artist in residence at the Centre du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui.

Additionally, for season 2019-2020, he'll be acting in Histoire du théâtre II, that'll be played in NTGent in March 2020.

- update December 2019

Papy Maurice Mbwiti

Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits