'Antigone in the Amazon' staged for the hundredth time in… | NTGent
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'Antigone in the Amazon' staged for the hundredth time in Sydney

| 8 January 2025
Milo Rau & NTGent's play ‘Antigone in the Amazon’ was performed for the hundredth time at the Sydney Festival in Australia on 8 January.

The Sydney performances are a new highlight in the world tour of Antigone in the Amazon, which has already toured 35 cities, 16 countries and four continents. The performance by house artist Milo Rau & NTGent had its world premiere in Ghent in May 2023.

Antigone in the Amazon  is a radical adaptation of the well-known Greek tragedy. The performance came about in collaboration with the activists of the Brazilian movement MST, with whom the cast (Pablo Casella, Arne De Tremerie, Frederico Araujo and Sarah De Bosschere) re-enacted a tragic massacre on a highway in the middle of the Amazon forest in the spring of 2023. A re-enactment that touched many hearts in Brazil and helped form the basis of an intensely political and acclaimed show.

Or as the Australian press put it, ‘Groundbreaking theatre with enormous urgency and an absolute must-see.’

Congratulations to all involved on this fantastic milestone!

Afbeelding van Whats App op 2025 01 08 om 08 40 40 1d6cb474
Until it holds from the inside There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise Beyond madness, tenderness awaits With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like