The NTGent café in our Schouwbrug on Ghent's Sint-Baafsplein is open every day from 10am until at least 9pm (longer in case of performances). Check the drinks menu here. You can also order a tasty croque, (vegetarian) spaghetti or soup of the day in our café.

Shortly before and during the Ghent Festivities (from 19 to 28 July 2024), the café's opening hours deviate.

  • From 16 tem 18 July, the café only opens at 12h.
  • From 19 tem 28 July, the café only opens at 1pm.

No food will be sold during the Ghent Festivities and the drinks menu is limited.

The bar in the NTGent Foyer on the first floor of our Schouwburg is open before and after performances. The foyer can also be rented and is the perfect venue for weddings, receptions, coffee tables, lectures, or other events. More details here.

In NTGent Minnemeers, the bar is open until about an hour after the performance.

Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still