
Meet Alva Ishii (5pm)
🎪 Installation
🎪 Free
🎪 Entrance hall Schouwburg (continuous)

Come meet Alva Ishii: a promising artist you’ve probably never heard of. Don’t worry, Alva is totally new to the scene. NTGent is developing a fully digital house artist who will give interviews, create plays and join the artistic board.
Alva Ishii's development is an exploration of new technologies on stage. An example of radical imagination, NTGent's new leitmotif, which at the same time forces to question new technologies. What does AI do to us? What critical questions are we not asking? And why do we leave the development of AI to entrepreneurs
One Day I Will Make The Onion Cry - Beyond the Spoken / Barbara Raes & Victoria Deluxe (from 9am)
🎪 Ritual & Installation
🎪 De Expeditie

An installation that collects and archives tears. Because grief is forgotten too quickly. In One Day I Will Make the Onion Cry, Barbara Raes integrates her private practice into the theatre for the first time. Together with visual artist Manu Siebens, she creates a poetic landscape in which the connection between the overproduction of onions, solastalgia (a nostalgic feeling for what is about to get lost) and interpreting our tears becomes tangible.
During the day (from 9am to 4:30pm), you can experience a one-on-one ritual of Beyond the Spoken. In the evening (8pm), the installation is open to the public. Hall De Expeditie (Dok Noord) becomes a place where one can embrace grief for what will one day disappear.
Recharge XL - Dries Depoorter & Manu Siebens (10 am)
🎪 Installation
🎪 For free
🎪 Inside the tent

Escape the bustle of the city with the help of Recharge XL, an installation by Dries Depoorter, the artist known for his thought-provoking work on privacy and technology, and BERLIN scenographer Manu Siebens. Recharge XL transforms the mini-arena from Ramble Song, a performance by BERLIN, into a space where your mobile phone only charges when you close your eyes, supervised by AI.
This work is part of YouTurn, a project celebrating 20 years of BERLIN, which encourages artists to create new work with archive material. Experience a collective moment of digital disconnection!
Wie Oud Wordt... - Yves Degryse & Bart Baele / BERLIN (1:30pm)
🎪5 - 15 euros (pwyc)
🎪De Foyer (Schouwburg)

In Wie oud wordt... [Those who grow old... ], the audience takes part in an information meeting of the Association for the Rejuvenation of the European Continent. The board hopes to spread its ideas. An intense listening experience under the motto ‘Those who grow old have themselves to blame’. Or as Dutch leading newspaper NRC Handelsblad puts it: "In barely ten minutes, BERLIN creates a wonderful tragicomedy around old age."
Handle With Care - Ontroerend Goed (1:30 pm, 5:30pm)
🎪 Try-out
🎪 Free after reservation
🎪 Main Hall (attic)

Ontroerend Goed, artist in residence at NTGent, is currently creating an extraordinary new performance. A performance that fits into a box from head to toe. Without actors, without set, without technique. But with instructions. Come and discover the box during this work-in-progress showing.
Big Buffalo Bill Debate - Chokri Ben Chikha / NTGent, Action Zoo Humain & Willemsfonds (3am)
🎪 Debate
🎪 For free (after registration)
🎪 Inside the tent

Two years later, the performance by Action Zoo Humain and visual artist Tomahawk Greyeyes on the Buffalo logo of football club KAA Gent, still reverberates. From the outset, the artists' intention was not to cancel but to start a debate about the use and history of the logo.
As a city, how do you deal with traditions? What does KAA Gent's logo mean to football fans? How much room is there to discuss traditions? Join us and take part in a broad dialogue with input from Tomahawk Greyeyes, Wim Beelaert (general chairman KAA Gent Foundation) and Thomas Donald Jacobs (historian), among others. Proza-K brings live poetry.
True Copy - Yves Degryse & Bart Baele / BERLIN (8pm)
🎪15 - 28 euros
🎪Schouwburg (main hall)

In this critically acclaimed performance, new house artist BERLIN merges worlds on stage. One man struggles to hold his own amid a web of lies - or are they variations on the truth? The protagonist is Geert Jan Jansen, a master forger who managed to swindle the art world for more than two decades. So convincingly that Picasso and Appel unsuspectingly issued certificates of authenticity to works he created. True Copy shows the internal radar work of a complex man and, in the same breath, exposes the hypocrisy within the art world.
Aftermovie All Greeks Festival (8:30pm)
🎪 Film
🎪 For free
🎪 Inside the tent

The ALL GREEKS FESTIVAL landed in numerous public places in Ghent at the end of last season. In those places where the social issues of the Greek tragedies touched on the stories of the city and society today. The festival was at the same time a hinge between the NTGent of yesterday and that of tomorrow, which will make more room for gentleness and care after the violence and madness of the blood-red tragedies. The aftermovie by Bárbara Jarque is the perfect occasion to look back and imagine the future together with the audience and more than 75 partners.
Way Too Big Birthday Party (9pm)
🎪 For free
🎪 Inside the tent

Get ready to celebrate far too many birthdays at once!
The 125th birthday of the NTGent Schouwburg, the 60th 6 of NTGent itself, the 20th of house artist BERLIN, the start of a new artistic direction, the birth of our new digital creator Alva Ishii... there's plenty to celebrate at the start of season 24-25. And so we're organising a far too big and completely free birthday party in the NTTent. For anyone who wants to join the celebration, or has their own to celebrate. Join us!