School of Resistance: Our human rights are on fire

While the pandemic forces people all over the world to stay home, another large group of people is looking for a new home. The sixth episode of School of Resistance uses the current crisis in Greece as a starting point to discuss the European migration policy.
When the first cases of Covid-19 were discovered at the Greek-Turkish border on March 26, several NGOs and human rights activists demanded the immediate evacuation of the refugee camps. Europe, however, remained silent. On the night of September 8, a fire broke out and burned the overcrowded Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, the same NGOs and human rights activists demanded the immediate shelter of refugees by European member states. Once again, Europe remained silent.
Joined by Muhammad al Kashef and Efi Latsoudi, moderator Lara Staal discusses Europe's failure and unwillingness to address the migration crisis. Will the tragedy of Moria serve as Europe's awakening?
Muhammad al-Kashef , Efi Latsoudimoderator
Lara Staalproduction
NTGent & IIPMin coproduction with
Howlround theatre commons , Akademie der Künste, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Medico International, European Alternatives