The Grief of Red Granny

The Grief of Red Granny is the first part of a two-part AfrOpera on individual and collective grief. In this first part, we take an emotional journey through one woman's heart, loosely inspired by Queen Elisabeth and director Gorge Ocloo's grandmother (two Red Grannies) and portrayed by actress Tine Joustra. She welcomes us into the ruins of her memories and takes us on the waves of her unprocessed grief.
With his characteristic surreal imagery, Ocloo presents the enigmatic queen in the Garden of Eden. Here, in her ‘after death’, Elisabeth looks back on her life and speaks to us, accompanied by six angels: three vocalists and three instrumentalists, all from South Africa.
The musical leitmotif is Stabat Mater by Pergolesi. “I will bring Pergolesi to my Voodoo church”, says Ocloo. His radical arrangement of this famous composition draws inspiration from African funerals.
A musical confrontation between cultures. A universal sound of sorrow and celebration.
concept, text, direction, composition, scenography
Gorges Oclootext, direction, composition
Gorges Oclooactress
Tine Joustraactrice
Tine Joustrasoprano
Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasangamezzo soprano
Nonkululeko Nkwintibasso profondo
Ntuthuko Ziqubuguitars
Charlton Danielscello
Dane Coetzeedrums/percussion
Carla Williamssound design
Victor Hidalgodramaturgy
Jana Beckmann , Josse De Pauwproduction
Toneelhuis , LOD muziektheatercoproduction
Artscape Theatre Centre Cape Town (SA)light design
Lies Van Loock , Gorges Ocloocostume design
Tanya Maldonado , Esther Reijnenin collaboration with
Artscape Theatre Centre Cape Town (ZA)set design
Senne Suls , Noah Dockx, Chris Reijnen, Niels Antonissenwith the support of
Diplomatieke Representatie van Vlaanderen in Zuid-Afrika , de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid, Gallop Tax Shelter, Sabam for CultureTICKETS
All events on this website are organised by Tickets Gent.