The Omen

The female perspective is the starting point, since anorexia has mainly occurred in girls throughout the centuries. Moreover, within the patriarchal system of treatment, no space is given to the female voice. Nowadays, the number of girls developing anorexia is increasing and they are getting younger.
What if we see these girls as whistleblowers? What do they reveal? What wants to be heard?
(read more below the quote)
"Quiet resistance, in response to our patriarchal world in which loud protest by women is still too often punished"Mister Motley
The performers are young women who have (had) anorexia. Part of the performance is a conversation between Alexandra, the performers and an expert about the questions raised by The Omen.
Tijd van de Wolf creates performances that rattle the rational, at the intersection of art, psychiatry and spirituality. We shine light on often dark (unsaid) subjects and seek entrances to more humanity. We play with the unimaginable and the mystical. What is real, what is not real, healthy or unhealthy, and who actually decides? We are open to multiple realities and dimensions. It's not bad is if you don't know. We don't know either. And from this not knowing, we make our work.

This presentation is supported by the Performing Arts Fund FPK (Dutch Presentation Abroad).
Alexandra Broederdirection
Alexandra Broedersinging and performance
Alysha de Jong , Ankie Klut, Bo Courant, Claire de Groot, Diantha Voskuijl, Esmee Menkhorst, Esqua Wepper, Nicky Jonker, Sanne Huibersscenography and costumes
Sacha Zwiersmusic and composition
Roald van Oostendramaturgy
Berthe Spoelstraassistant direction and production
Nikita Olderttechnical
Martijn van Nunenphoto
Kamerich & Budwilowitzgeneral manager
Tamara Roosmarketing and communications
Fanny Kuitenbrouwerthanks to
Stichting Mind , Levvel, Noor Courtens, Esther Bouten, Carlijn Welten / Het Huis Haarlem, Renate Lukassen/ Bodytolk, Sanne van Driel, Heleen Weesselius, Frascati, Nikki, Sacha, Mira e.amade possible by
Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie , Vriendenloterij Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Fonds PodiumkunstenTICKETS
All events on this website are organised by Tickets Gent.