The making of Berlin
The making of Berlin is a portrait of a city, built around the extraordinary story of Friedrich Mohr, a Berliner who was the Berliner Philharmoniker’s orchestra stage manager during WWII. The making of Berlin – with live horn music – offers an unfiltered look at BERLIN’s work process. But above all, it tells the story of one of the ‘unbrave’ who failed to stand up when fellow Jewish musicians and friends were expelled from the orchestra. The making of Berlin is the final part of the Holocene cycle, during which BERLIN made several portraits of cities over the past twenty years.
BERLIN helps Mohr to realize an as yet unfulfilled dream. At the end of WWII, the conductor of the Philharmonic decided to perform Siegfried’s Funeral March from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung one last time. The performance would be broadcast live on German state radio. Rehearsing with the entire orchestra in one location soon proved too dangerous due to ongoing bombing. So the conductor divided the orchestra into seven segments and had them rehearse in separate bunkers.
Faltering [recording] technology threw a spanner in the works. Mohr’s ultimate wish is to perform the technical tour de force as initially planned seventy-five years after the date. The Götterdämmerung will be played from seven bunkers simultaneously and can be heard in its entirety on the radio.
You gradually discover together with BERLIN that Mohr’s story is full of inaccuracies and that he seems to want to restore the irreparable. How far can you stretch the truth when you're looking for atonement?
"This film, this performance, is a carefully spun web, an ingenious story disguised in a documentary jacket. A feast of confusion"Jowi Schmitz in Trouw (★★★★★)
Yves Degrysewith (3 people on stage)
alternating: Yves Degryse , Geert De Vleesschauwer, Bregt Janssens, Koen Goossens, Marjolein Demey and/or Sam Loncke and 1 horn player: Rozanne Descheemaeker, Matea Majic, Diechje Minne or Jonathan van der Beekwith (on film)
Friedrich Mohr , Martin Wuttke, Stefan Lennert, Werner Buchholz, Alisa Tomina, Krijn Thijs, Chantal Pattyn, Symphonic Orchestra Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, Alejo Pérez, Caroline Große, Michael Becker, Claire Hoofwijk, Alejandro Urrutia, Marek Burák, Marvyn Pettina, Farnaz Emamverdi, team BERLIN: Jane Seynaeve, Eveline Martens, Yves Degryse, Jessica Ridderhof, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Sam Loncke, Manu Siebens, Kurt Lannoye, team Opera Ballet Vlaanderen: Jan Vandenhouwe, Lise Thomas, Eva Knapen, Christophe De Tremerievideo and video editing
Geert De Vleesschauwer , Fien Leysen, Yves Degryseinternship video editing
Maria Feenstradrone shots
Yorick Leusink and Solon Lutzbehind the scenes footage
Fien Leysenscenography
Manu Siebensset construction
Manu Siebens , Ina Peeters, Rex Tee, Joris Festjensset construction and design film
Jessica Ridderhof , Klaartje Vermeulen, Ruth Lodder, Ina Peetersmusical composition and mixing
Peter Van Laerhovenlive music
Rozanne Descheemaeker or Diechje Minne / Matea Majic / Jonathan van der Beekmusic film
Peter Van Laerhoven , Tim Coenen, Symphonic Orchestra Opera Ballet Vlaanderen conducted by Alejo Pérezmixing orchestra
Maarten Buyllive sound design and mixing
Arnold Bastiaansesound recordings
Bas De Caluwé , Maarten Moesen, Bart Vandebriltranslation and subtitling
Dorien Beckers , Maria Feenstra, Annika Serong, Nadine Malfait, Isabelle Grynbergtechnical coordination
Manu Siebens , Geert De Vleesschauwer, Marjolein Demeytouring technicians
Bregt Janssens , Jurgen Fonteijn, Hans De Prinsproduction management
Jessica Ridderhofproduction assistance germany
Daniela Schwabe , Gordon Schirmerresearch wagner
Clem Robynsinternship research
Annika Serongphotography
Koen Broos , Gordon Schirmertrailer
Jan Bosteels/Beeldstormoffice management
Tine Verhaertbusiness management (until 2021)
Kurt Lannoyeoffice management
Maya Van der Bremptdistribution
Eveline Martenscommunications
Sam Lonckeproduction
DE SINGEL (Antwerp , BE), le CENTQUATRE-PARIS (FR), Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (BE), VIERNULVIER (Ghent, BE), C-TAKT (Limburg, BE), Theaterfestival Boulevard (Den Bosch, NL), Berliner Festspiele (DE)with the support of
The Flemish Government , Sabam for Culture, Tax Shelter of the Belgian federal government via Flanders Tax Shelterthanks to
Linnen Berlin , Xaveriuscollege, Zaal Billy, corso, Klara, Oderberger Hotel, Het Nieuwstedelijk, De Munt - La Monnaie, Cornelius Puschke, Lisa Homburger, Jill Barnes, Aino El Sohl, Natasha Padabed, Max-Philip Aschenbrenner, Carena Schlewitt, Myriam De Clopper, Barbara Raes, Dirk Rochtus, Anneleen Hermans, Mark Reybrouck, Karen Vermeiren, Guido Spruyt, Hannes D'Hoine, Niels Kloet, Roel Gelderland, Mark Dedecker, Eric Mostert/VMOO, Cees Vossen