Gift vouchers
The perfect gift for any culture lover: a gift voucher valid for all performances from the NTGent programme.
✔ Choose an amount between 5 and 500 euros.
✔ Order your gift voucher online here and receive an email with a unique code after checkout. The recipient can use that code to order tickets until the voucher is used up. If only a small amount remains, the deficit can be paid in addition.
✔ The NTGent gift voucher is also on sale at our ticket counter Tickets Gent:
📫 Sint-Baafsplein 17, 9000 Ghent
⏱ open Mon to Fri (10am to 6pm) and Sat (2pm to 6pm)
☎ 09 225 01 01
✔ The voucher can be used to buy tickets for all performances from the NTGent programme.