Antigone in de Amazone | NTGent
13.10.23 10.05.25

Antigone in de Amazone Milo Rau / MST & NTGent


Antigone in the Amazon Nelson Almeida / AFP
Milo Rau creates a political Antigone for the 21st century, together with indigenous people, activists and actors from Brazil and Europe.


€15 - 28

This performance contains sensitive content including violence, murder, and suicide. For emotional support, please reach out to the Suicide Helpline at 1813.

general info

✔ EN, PT & NL spoken
✔ NL & EN surtitles

For Antigone in the Amazon, Milo Rau and his team traveled to the Brazilian state of Pará, where the forests burn due to the expanding soy monocultures and where nature gets devoured by capitalism. On an occupied piece of land, in collaboration with MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra), the world’s largest landless workers’ movement, they create an allegorical play about the violent devastations and displacements caused by the modern state, which places private property above the traditional right to land. 

After the productions Orestes in Mosul  in the former capital of the Islamic State and the Jesus film The New Gospel  in the southern Italian refugee camps, Milo Rau and his team travel to the Amazon in Brazil to conclude their Trilogy of Ancient Myths.

This performance has been highly praised by critics:

✒ "Not one video that doesn't hit the mark. Not one word that does not enhance the images. Not one movement on stage that does not resonate with the images. The realisation sets in that theatre, when it moves so far out of its comfort zone, makes one experience and understand something that is so much bigger than itself, and than we are."
--- Le Monde (FR)

✒ "It is much, full, inventive, at times radically political and activist theatre, and finally quite depressing (...) Rau has brought the Greek resistance fighter of the past to the present, and turned it into uncompromising theatre art."
--- Volkskrant (NL) ****

✒ “While in circles with politically correct rubbish and cultural segregation, Rau's Antigone in the Amazon  is scorned as culturally imperialistic, the evening plunges one into a strangeness that defies any accusation of cultural appropriation. Here, as with Montaigne, it is a matter of self-criticism in conflict. With Rau, this means: art can transcend violence, no matter where.”
--- Die Welt (GER)

Tax Shelter
Seyntex Logo Rgb


Frederico Araujo, Pablo Casella, Sara De Bosschere, Arne De Tremerie

on screen

Kay Sara, Gracinha Donato, Célia Maracajà, Choir of militants of Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (MST), and as Tiresias, Ailton Krenak


Milo Rau & ensemble

concept & direction

Milo Rau


Giacomo Bisordi


Martha Kiss Perrone

dramaturgical collaboration

Douglas Estevam

assistant dramaturgy

Kaatje De Geest, Carmen Hornbostel

music composition

Elia Rediger, Pablo Casella

set design

Anton Lukas

costume design

Gabriela Cherubini, Jo De Visscher, Anton Lukas

light design

Dennis Diels

video design

Moritz von Dungern

video making of

Fernando Nogari

video editing

Joris Vertenten

collaboration to concept, research & dramaturgie

Eva-Maria Bertschy




The International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), Festival d'Avignon, Romaeuropa Festival, Factory International (Manchester), La Villette (Parijs), Tandem - Scène nationale (Arras Douai), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Equinoxe Scène Nationale (Châteauroux), Wiener Festwochen

in collaboration with

Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)

with support of

Goethe Institut Saõ Paulo, PRO HELVETIA programme COINCIDENCIA - Kulturausch Schweiz - Südamerika, The Belgian Tax Shelter

thanks to

Carolina Bufolin


Frederico Araujo , Pablo Casella , Sara De Bosschere , Arne De Tremerie

on screen

Kay Sara , Gracinha Donato, Célia Maracajà, Choir of militants of Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (MST), and as Tiresias, Ailton Krenak


Milo Rau & ensemble

concept & direction

Milo Rau


Giacomo Bisordi


Martha Kiss Perrone

dramaturgical collaboration

Douglas Estevam

assistant dramaturgy

Kaatje De Geest , Carmen Hornbostel

music composition

Elia Rediger, Pablo Casella

set design

Anton Lukas

costume design

Gabriela Cherubini, Jo De Visscher, Anton Lukas

light design

Dennis Diels

video design

Moritz von Dungern

video making of

Fernando Nogari

video editing

Joris Vertenten

collaboration to concept, research & dramaturgie

Eva-Maria Bertschy




The International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), Festival d'Avignon, Romaeuropa Festival, Factory International (Manchester), La Villette (Parijs), Tandem - Scène nationale (Arras Douai), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Equinoxe Scène Nationale (Châteauroux), Wiener Festwochen

in collaboration with

Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)

with support of

Goethe Institut Saõ Paulo, PRO HELVETIA programme COINCIDENCIA - Kulturausch Schweiz - Südamerika, The Belgian Tax Shelter

thanks to

Carolina Bufolin


€15 - 28

This performance contains sensitive content including violence, murder, and suicide. For emotional support, please reach out to the Suicide Helpline at 1813.

general info

✔ EN, PT & NL spoken
✔ NL & EN surtitles



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