Medea's kinderen

With Medea’s Children, house artist Milo Rau takes a new, deep look at the role of children in theatre. A real criminal case is the starting point: the case of a mother who, in total despair, decides to kill her children and take her own life - but she survives. This modern tragedy is interweaved with the classical tragedy Medea, the most infamous case of relationship conflict and infanticide in Western literature.
(read more after the quote)
"An unbearable masterpiece, gruesemoly efficient theatre"De Morgen (BE) *****
A group of children take this bloody crime case and the perhaps darkest origin narrative of European culture as an opportunity to reflect on themselves: on family history, first love and first encounters with death, on desires for the future and fears of the end of the world that haunts us all. How does a child deal with the divorce of its parents? With injustice, the breaking of friendships, the pressure at school? How do they deal with the radical power of Medea – with tragedy in general? The children, condemned to silence in the classical tragedies, finally have their say this time around.
Medea’s Children: the absurd and blood-drenched tragedies of adult life seen through the eyes of children – a small history of theatre and a school of life as cruel as it is poetic.
This performance is a co-production with Wiener Festwochen, La Biennale Di Venezia, ITA - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam and Tandem - Scène nationale (Arras Douai).
"A blood-curdling, jet-black tragedy"Volkskrant (NL)
Peter Seynaeve / Lien Wildemeersch, Anna Matthys / Juliette Debackere, Emma Van de Casteele / Ella Brennan, Jade Versluys / Bernice Van Walleghem, Gabriël El Houari / Aiko Benaouisse, Sanne De Waele / Helena Van de Casteele, Vik Neirinck / Elias Maesconcept & direction
Milo Raudramaturgy
Kaatje De Geestset design
ruimtevaarders (Karolien De Schepper, Christophe Engels)props design
Joris Soenencostume design
Jo De Visscherlight design
Dennis Dielsvideo design
Moritz von Dungernsound design
Elia Redigeracting coaching
Peter Seynaeve / Lien Wildemeerschchild guidance
Dirk Crommelinckproduction
Wiener Festwochen, La Biennale de Venezia, ITA - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Tandem - Scène nationale (Arras Douai)- 7 Jun 24 — Nachtkritik (DUI) - "Lend us your innocence" - (review Medea's Children)
- 7 May 24 — Trouw (NL) ***** - "A shattering and chilling performance" - (review 'Medea's Children')
- 24 Apr 24 — Scèneweb (FR)_"Dit dubbele drama schittert in al zijn rijke radicaliteit"_recensie
- 24 Apr 24 — Het Nieuwsblad (BE) - "Niet geboren worden, is verreweg het beste"_recensie ****
- 24 Apr 24 — De Morgen (BE)_"Een onverdraaglijk meesterwerk"_recensie *****
- 18 Jan 24 — De Morgen (BE) - "Op de planken is de oudheid actuelere dan ooit" - (over Elektra, Medea, Perzen én ALL GREEKS)
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