2018 - 2019 | NTGent

ARCHIVE - 2018 - 2019

Lara Staal 05

the state of faith

In a series of evenings curator Lara Staal holds a number of traditional values against the light. After Truth, Faith takes turns.
De Living Hupfeld 2649A

De Living

In the 18'-19' season, 'The Living' presents the last hour in the life of a human being. The show starts with a woman coming home to her living room and ends with her committing suicide. Or is it the other way around?
6 Orestes In Mosul040

Orestes in Mosul

For their internationally acclaimed production 'Orestes in Mosul', director Milo Rau and his team travelled to the northern Iraqi city in 2019. Can a Greek tragedy help to heal a mutilated city?, asked The New York Times.
Phile Deprez0584

The State of Truth

In a series of evenings called 'The State of... ', curator Lara Staal examines fundamental values of western society. Starting with 'truth'.
Luk Perceval Ntgent Caly Smutek Belgii Maciej Zakrzewski 3

Black - A Journey into Europe's Heart of Darkness: Congo

In 'The Black - Yellow - Red Trilogy: A Journey into Europe's Heart of Darkness', director Luk Perceval zooms in on three dark periods in Belgian history. In 'Black' this is the exploitation of Congo under Leopold II.
Img 6558 Web C  Michiel  Devijver

Compassie. De geschiedenis van het machinegeweer

In the 18'-19' season, actresses Els Dottermans and Olga Mouak guide the audience to the borders. Of countries. Of compassion. Of discomfort.
Img 7902 Druk C Michiel Devijver

Lam Gods

Milo Rau made his debut as artistic director of NTGent in the season '18-'19 with Lam Gods. In this reconstruction on stage of the Ghent Altarpiece by the brothers Van Eyck, a panorama of our present world emerges and at the same time a manifesto for art and spirituality in a human life.
La Reprise 2 Michiel Devijver Web

La reprise

Liège, April 2012. Ihsane Jarfi, Muslim and gay, is tortured and murdered. The crime shakes the whole city. Milo Rau reconstructs the murder on stage.
There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside