2019 - 2020 | NTGent

ARCHIVE - 2019 - 2020

Here Beeld2 Web


Living as a black woman in a white world is always being hyper-visible and at the same time almost invisible. That's growing up with far more windows than mirrors.
Phile Deprez5022

The State of Beauty

What's the state of beauty today? What is the function of beauty? Is beauty universal, individual or social? Is beauty purely about form or is there also a political dimension? Can we use any image for the sake of aesthetics or effect? Or are there moral limits to what you can show and how?
Monstertruck Maratsade Gp Print 3899 Kopie 1


This play in a play puts the balance of power in the theatre and a closed institution under pressure.
Familie Bijgeknipt Web C Michiel Devijver


In 2007 in Calais, a whole family hanged themselves: the parents and their two children. Never a motive was found, the suicide note stated: "We messed up, sorry."
Wieisbang 04

Wie is bang

Els Dottermans and Han Kerckhoffs, who are also partners in real life, play an old acting couple who, after many years, take stock of their love for each other and their profession. A brilliant play by author Tom Lanoye.
Eindkeuze Anatomievanpijn001 Cropweb

Anatomie van pijn

The past hurts. The present hurts. In fact, nothing has changed. Or is pain the prophet of change?
Hdt Ii 2 Web

Histoire(s) du Théâtre II

The world-famous Congolese choreographer and director Faustin Linyekula on a key moment in the history of Congolese dance. Presented in season 18'-19'.
Beyond madness, tenderness awaits With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still