Milo Rau creates a political Antigone for the 21st century, together with indigenous people, activists and actors from Brazil and Europe.

Burial Of Polyneices Maraba 09 04 2023 C Moritz Von Dungern


Milo Rau / NTGent & MST


✔ Dutch, Portugese & English spoken
✔ Dutch & English surtitles
✔ Trigger warnings: violence, murder and suicide


For ‘Antigone in the Amazon’, Milo Rau and his team traveled to the Brazilian state of Pará, where the forests burn due to the expanding soy monocultures and where nature gets devoured by capitalism. On an occupied piece of land, in collaboration with MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra), the world’s largest landless workers’ movement, they create an allegorical play about the violent devastations and displacements caused by the modern state, which places private property above the traditional right to land.

The most current version of the full promotext can be found on this page.


The most current version of the tour dates can be found on this page.


View the most current version of the credits on this page.



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✒ "Not one video that doesn't hit the mark. Not one word that does not enhance the images. Not one movement on stage that does not resonate with the images. The realisation sets in that theatre, when it moves so far out of its comfort zone, makes one experience and understand something that is so much bigger than itself, and than we are."
--- Le Monde (FR)

✒ "It is much, full, inventive, at times radically political and activist theatre, and finally quite depressing (...) Rau has brought the Greek resistance fighter of the past to the present, and turned it into uncompromising theatre art."
--- Volkskrant (NL) ****

✒ “While in circles with politically correct rubbish and cultural segregation, Rau's Antigone in the Amazon  is scorned as culturally imperialistic, the evening plunges one into a strangeness that defies any accusation of cultural appropriation. Here, as with Montaigne, it is a matter of self-criticism in conflict. With Rau, this means: art can transcend violence, no matter where.”
--- Die Welt (GER)


Milo Rau (Bern, 1977) proves in projects like The Congo Tribunal, La Reprise, Orestes in Mosul, The New Gospel or School of Resistance that theatre does not have to be detached from society but that it is a necessary contribution to politics, culture, and society – a place to tell true stories that shape our society.

Read Milo Rau's bio here.


Frederico Araujo is a Brazilian actor and director born in Rio de Janeiro. He graduated in Theater - Acting - at UNIRIO, Brazil, in 2010. In 2020, he was approved to do his Master’s in Belgium, in Theater Directing - at RITCS (Royal Institute for Theater Cinema & Sound) where his research has just finished.  He is a multidisciplinary artist who has pursued his work mainly on stage where he created 19 shows between Brazil and Belgium. He also accumulated experience in dance, circus, performance and as a dance/drama teacher.

Read Frederico Araujo's full bio here.


Pablo Casella is a Brazilian composer, song-writer, and multi-instrumentalist, resident in Ghent since 2008. Pablo studied classical guitar at UNESP (São Paulo) and Communication for radio and TV at FAAP (São Paulo).

Read Pablo Casella's full bio here.


Sara De Bosschere made her stage debut on the professional circuit as a child at the then Stadstheater of Antwerp (The Secret Memoirs of E.M.J, O'Neill). At the age of 16, she starred at De Tijd directed by Lucas Vandervost in 'frúhlingserwachen' (Wedekind).

Read Sara De Bosschere's full bio here.


Arne De Tremerie (born 1992) graduated from KASK Drama in Ghent in 2020. He is currently performing in the production Grief and Beauty  by Milo Rau and NTGent, touring Belgium and abroad. In the past, he has appeared in Anatomy of Pain  by Lies Pauwels, No Coincidence, No story  by Berten Vanderbruggen and Siona Houthuys and Konijn met pruimen  by Laika, among others.

Read Arne De Tremerie's full bio here.


Kay Sara (born in 1996) grew up in Lauaretê in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, on the border to Colombia. Her father belongs to the indigenous Tariana people, her mother to the Tukano. At the age of seven, she moved with her family to Manaus, where she made her first film in the same year.

Read Kay Sara's full bio here.


❔ Are you interested in programming this performance? Please contact Sophie Vanden Broeck, sales manager at NTGent:
☎: +32 485 80 38 43

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With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits