Farbod Fathinejadfard | NTGent
Imgl4163 Druk C Michiel Devijver

Farbod Fathinejadfard (1990) is a Brussels-based theatre producer/player, actor, visual artist and scenographer. After studying theatre directing at the RITCS, he joined the Brussels collective, Transfo collect, in 2015. In 2018, he debuted with Shiraz, tell me about the revolution?  at Batard Festival and Theater Aan Zee.

Fathinejadfard worked as an actor in Capsaicin  (2016), If there were not any blacks you'd have to invent them  (2017) and De bevrijding van het edelhert  (2020/21). Fathinejadfard is closely involved with ‘La Monnaie occupée’, a situationist movement that saw the light during times of the COVID crisis.

Fathinejadfard is currently working with other theatre makers on their NTGent production UBERmens. About the impact of meal couriers and delivery services such as Ubereats, Deliveroo. Later in the year 2024, he will collaborate on NTGent's All Greeks Festival. In the 2024/25 season, Fathinejadfard will be seen as actor/player for a production by DEHOE, called De geselecteerdeerden.

Farbod Fathinejadfard