The Stage (UK) - "The National Theatre should consider… | NTGent

The Stage (UK) - "The National Theatre should consider artistic directors from outside the UK" - (vermelding nieuwe artistieke leiding NTGent)

Yves Degryse | Barbara Raes | Melih Gençboyacı | 1 September 2023
"Milo Rau, who is Swiss, has run Belgium’s NTGent since 2018. Rau was recently appointed artistic director of the Vienna Festival and it’ll be fascinating to see how his rigorous and radical approach to theatre (...) Rau has been succeeded at NTGent by a trio of artistic directors – Yves Degryse, Barbara Raes and Melih Gençboyaci. The idea is to steer the theatre in new directions using a multi-voiced approach to artistic leadership. Degryse is an actor, Raes is a programmer and maker with an interest in ritual and grief, Gençboyaci a curator and performer. The trio will assume the roles of creator, curator and developer in the leadership model."
Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like