Our co-workers
Are you looking for one of our co-workers? Contact them directly via the info below.
- Yves Degryse artistic director yves.degryse@ntgent.be
- Barbara Raes artistic director barbara.raes@ntgent.be
- Melih Gençboyacı artistic director melih.gencboyaci@ntgent.be
- Daan Vander Steene business director 09 269 35 10 daan.vander.steene@ntgent.be
- Carl Gydé staff member Business policy carl.gyde@ntgent.be
- Evelyn Vanhuffel assistant to the artistic direction 09 255 01 01 evelyn.vanhuffel@ntgent.be
- Joeri Mestdagh business assistent 09 269 35 20 joeri.mestdagh@ntgent.be
- Floria Lomme performance sales floria.lomme@ntgent.be
- Sophie Vanden Broeck international performance sales 0485 80 38 43 sophie.vanden.broeck@ntgent.be
- Benoit Vanraes Distribution & Coordinator Programming 0490 57 83 02 benoit.vanraes@ntgent.be
- Leen Van Welden coordinator artistic planning & production 09 269 35 27 leen.van.welden@ntgent.be
- Carl Vermeersch artist coordination & planning 09 269 35 08 carl.vermeersch@ntgent.be
- Liesbeth Standaert tour administration 0472 766 988 liesbeth.standaert@ntgent.be
- Katelijne Laevens director's assistant 09 269 35 54 katelijne.laevens@ntgent.be
- Klaas Lievens production and tourmanagement 09 269 35 52 Klaas.lievens@ntgent.be
- Jeroen Vanluyten production & tourmanagement 0478 88 61 55 jeroen.vanluyten@ntgent.be
- Marieke Cardinaels production management and tour management marieke.cardinaels@ntgent.be
- Steve Piens hall rental, production & public outreach 09 269 35 16 steve.piens@ntgent.be
- Benny D'haeseleer corporate and production communication 09 269 35 33 benny.dhaeseleer@ntgent.be
- Jonas Mayeur Press officer & spokesperson 0498 62 02 30 jonas.mayeur@ntgent.be
- Thomas Schoofs graphic design & art direction 0484 83 68 57 thomas.schoofs@ntgent.be
- Quinten Pouliart online communication & print 0471 66 80 70 quinten.pouliart@ntgent.be
- Loubna Boukaroua communication employee 0484 63 37 05 loubna.boukaroua@ntgent.be
- Maarten Degezelle employee outreach 0477 07 55 46 maarten.degezelle@ntgent.be
- Rojda Gülüzar Karakus public outreach rojda@NTGent.be
- Emmely Comhaire communication and public outreach employee emmely.comhaire@ntgent.be
- Matthias Velle city dramaturg matthias.velle@ntgent.be
- Benoit Vanraes Distribution & Coordinator Programming 0490 57 83 02 benoit.vanraes@ntgent.be
- Lotte Loncin studio imagination 09 269 35 05 lotte.loncin@ntgent.be
- Kaatje De Geest dramaturge 09 269 35 18 kaatje.de.geest@ntgent.be
- General contact reception 09 225 01 01 info@ntgent.be
- Elisabet Soetaert hospitality responsible 09 269 35 66 elisabet.soetaert@ntgent.be
- Klaas Temmerman responsable NTGent café 09 269 35 45 klaas.temmerman@ntgent.be
- Brecht Laureys employee NTGent café 09 269 35 02
- Esther Haddad coordinator hospitality 09 255 01 01 esther.haddad@ntgent.be
- Jasper Segers digital transformation and external funding jasper.segers@ntgent.be
- Benedikt Van Gorp employee NTGent café 09 269 35 02
- Geovannia Carazo Ruiz NTGent café 09 269 35 06 geovannia@ntgent.be
- Ties Kalker hospitality employee
- Benjamin De Mulder NTGent Café
- Joris Vergaert NTGent café
- Greet Prové production receptive operation 0495 21 42 39 greet.prove@ntgent.be
- Line Devlamynck head of ticket office 09 225 01 01 line.devlamynck@ntgent.be
- Laura Ergo Tickets Gent 09 269 35 67 laura.ergo@ntgent.be
- Marleen De Dauw Tickets Gent 09 269 35 68 marleen.de.dauw@ntgent.be
- Bram Lootens Tickets Gent 09 269 35 68 bram.lootens@ntgent.be
- Annelies Joos head of HR 09 269 35 07 annelies.joos@ntgent.be
- Jana Gussé HR employee 09 269 35 13 jana.gusse@ntgent.be
- An Clarysse head of accountancy 09 269 35 37 an.clarysse@ntgent.be
- Kristien Minnaert accounting 09 269 35 39 kristien.minnaert@ntgent.be
- Nicole Herbiest accounting 09 269 35 40 nicole.herbiest@ntgent.be
- Nikolai Abramovitch IT manager 09 269 35 65 nikolai.abramovitch@ntgent.be
- An De Mol prevention adviser 09 269 35 14 an.de.mol@ntgent.be
- Patrick Martens director technical dept. 09 269 36 07 patrick.martens@ntgent.be
- Els Jacxsens technical planner and production support 09 269 35 44 els.jacxsens@ntgent.be
- Chris Vanneste technical production manager 0475 68 85 47 chris.vanneste@ntgent.be
- Raf Willems video and sound specialist 09 269 35 62 raf.willems@ntgent.be
- Dennis Diels lighting specialist 09 269 35 21 dennis.diels@ntgent.be
- Joris Durnez stagemanager 09 269 35 56 joris.durnez@ntgent.be
- Marijn Vlaeminck production stage manager 09 269 35 41 marijn.vlaeminck@ntgent.be
- Sander Michiels technician 09 269 35 22 sander.michiels@ntgent.be
- Thierry D'hondt head of set construction 09 269 36 12 thierry.dhondt@ntgent.be
- Laurent Ysebaert technician laurent.ysebaert@ntgent.be
- Eddy Deschepper technician 09 269 35 57 eddy.deschepper@ntgent.be
- Geert De Rodder technician 09 269 35 23 geert.de.rodder@ntgent.be
- Predrag Momcilovic technician 09 269 37 08 predrag.momcilovic@ntgent.be
- Frederik Vanslembrouck technician 09 269 35 63 frederik.vanslembrouck@ntgent.be
- Max Grymonprez technician 0032 487 39 11 57 max.grymonprez@NTGent.be
- Jeroen Van Houtte tour management jeroen.vanhoutte@ntgent.be
- Joris Soenen employee decor studio 09 269 36 13 joris.soenen@ntgent.be
- Dimitri De Rycke employee decor studio dimitri.de.rycke@ntgent.be
- Pierre Keulemans set construction 09 269 36 14 pierre.keulemans@ntgent.be
- Mieke Van der Cruyssen costumes 09 269 35 15 mieke@ntgent.be
- Jo De Visscher responsible costume department jo.de.visscher@ntgent.be
- Thierry Vlaminck driver 09 269 35 43 thierry.vlaminck@ntgent.be
- Sam Declercq employee decor studio sam.declercq@ntgent.be
- Frédérique Vander Steene infrastructure 09 269 36 04 frederique.vander.steene@ntgent.be
- Bart Stalmans facility management 09 269 35 58 bart.stalmans@ntgent.be
- Jeroen Van Houtte tour management jeroen.vanhoutte@ntgent.be
- Philippe De Graeve facility management 09 269 35 24 philippe.de.graeve@ntgent.be
- Anita De Rudder cleaning staff 09 269 36 15 anita.de.rudder@ntgent.be
- Güllüzar Cakan cleaning staff 09 269 35 50 gulluzar.cakan@ntgent.be
- Ise Shukri cleaning lady
- Jeroen Vanden Berghe president board of directors
- Hilde Bonte member of the board
- Mieke Bouve member of the board
- Amani El Haddad member board of directors
- Rudi De Kerpel member of the board
- Stefaan D'haeze member of the board
- Badra Djait member of the board
- Joris Ywein member of the board
- Ercan Cesmeli member board of directors
- Marie Gerlinde Robberechts member of the board
- Charlotte Sabbe member of the board
- Bram Vandekerckhove member of the board
- Eline Vanduyver member of the board
- Christophe Vermeulen member of the board
- Geert Vandyck member of the board
- Luk Verschueren member of the board
- Muriel Uytterhaegen member of the board
- Astrid Weytens member board of directors
- Bram Van Oostveldt president
- Jan Steen member of the artistic advisory board
- Kadir Ferati Balci member of the artistic advisory board
- Liv Laveyne member of the artistic advisory board
- Alain Platel member of the artistic advisory board
- Aminata Demba member of the artistic advisory board
- Sarah Avci member of the artistic advisory board
- Sarah Eisa member of the artistic advisory board
- Sarah Moeremans member of the artistic advisory board
- Klaas Lievens trust person 0032 9 269 35 52 Klaas.lievens@ntgent.be
- Liesbeth Standaert trust person 0032 472 766 988 liesbeth.standaert@ntgent.be