Everything Theatre (UK) - '"Een unieke, ontroerende en door en door on-Britse show"' (Ontroerend Goed / recensie****)
Ontroerend Goed | 16 augustus 2023
'You may have seen the hype about Funeral already and wondered how a show about rituals and mourning could be so popular or even appropriate at a normally uplifting arts festival. ' [...] 'This is a very interactive performance, and it’s first thing in the morning, so not one to attend tired or hungover – you need all your faculties to really engage with Funeral and all its stages. The show actually begins in the doorway of the venue, where everyone learns a traditional song, which Google Translate tells me is sung in Esperanto; we then process up the stairs and, if we choose, share the name of someone who has died.' [...] 'A unique, moving and thoroughly un-British show exploring our relationship with death.'