3 new books by Milo Rau | NTGent

3 new books by Milo Rau

| 5 February 2021
Along with his well-known ‘Golden Books’, Milo Rau has now also published three new books on art as resistance, strategies in art and his philosophy as a theatre maker.
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Are there “real” tears in the theatre, as Godard wondered if there could be a “real” kiss in a movie? Milo Rau’s Vers un réalisme global is based on this age-old, unresolvable tension between art and reality.

This book brings together lectures and interviews from 2013, the Manifesto of Ghent, an essay by Johannes Birgfeld entitled ‘Milo Rau’s Theatre of Revolution’ and a chapter on what NTGent will become after the pandemic. It offers a wide-ranging immersion in his artistic work and his thoughts on theatre.

For more information: https://www.arche-editeur.com

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This book, published by Verbrecher Verlag, contains 99 texts on art and society. The editors, Rolf Bossart and Kaatje De Geest, present it as a kind of log book by Milo Rau – an artist who questions his own position and privileges time and time again.

More information: https://www.verbrecherverlag.de

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Milo Rau published L’arte della resistenza last summer. It is a publication in Italian about art as a means of resisting the dominant system and creating an alternative world to the injustice that surrounds us.

For more information: https://www.amazon.com/Larte

Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits