The State of Beauty | NTGent
20.11.18 10.12.20

The State of Beauty NTGENT / LARA STAAL

Phile Deprez5022 Phile Deprez
What's the state of beauty today? What is the function of beauty? Is beauty universal, individual or social? Is beauty purely about form or is there also a political dimension? Can we use any image for the sake of aesthetics or effect? Or are there moral limits to what you can show and how?

general info

In Dutch & English

What we find beautiful is not timeless. Ideas about beauty are changeable and are related to social standards and values. Who determines the dominant evaluation frameworks? And what happens if people start resisting those frameworks? How do we deal with works of art that use a visual language that we now experience as problematic? And how can we become aware of the morality that underlies our aesthetic preferences? Is art a free space or does the artist carry a social responsibility?

For De Staat van de Schoonheid, curator Lara Staal invited the writer and theatre maker Ogutu Muraya, who lives in Nairobi, and the Belgian actor and plantation owner Oscar Van Rompay. Based on Africa, the performance that Oscar van Rompay made six years ago with Peter Verhelst, the trio investigates the questions above. Why did Africa receive so much praise six years ago and are we now of the opinion that this performance should not be played? The audience is welcome to join in the conversation.


concept & text

Ogutu Muraya

concept & direction

Lara Staal


Grischa Runge

production management

Sophie Frijters

guest speaker

Heleen Debeuckelaere

in cooperation with

Here to support

concept & text

Ogutu Muraya

concept & direction

Lara Staal


Grischa Runge

production management

Sophie Frijters

guest speaker

Heleen Debeuckelaere

in cooperation with

Here to support

general info

In Dutch & English

There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside