S.T.A.G.E.S. | NTGent
28.04.21 28.04.26

S.T.A.G.E.S. NTGent

Logo Stages Plan De Travail 1 1
A group of leading theatre organisations in Europe have embarked on perhaps the most ambitious sustainability experiment in culture to date.

S.T.A.G.E.S. stands for 'Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Enviromental Shift' and is an unprecedented theatre experiment for which 14 theatres from all over Europe and even Taiwan, supported by the EU, are looking for an answer to the question: How can we continue our important work and at the same time reduce our ecological impact?


🌎 The staging of A Play For The Living in a Time of Extinction, from 8 October to 6 November 2022 in NTGent Minnemeers, a show about the climate crisis that refuses to tour but is staged anew at each location by a local team. In Ghent, this is done by local director Martha Balthazar.

🌎 The organisation of the sustainability forum Despair is Too Easy, curated by Lara Staal, on 5 November 2022. Artists, activists and academics are invited to propose new terminologies and alternative perspectives and talk about a future that is sustainable, ecological and inclusive.

🌎 In addition, during season 22-23, NTGent organises internal workshops on ecology, and a zero measurement of the ecological footprint of the city theatre will take place.

🌎 More than ever, NTGent's programming focuses on ecology and sustainability with performances such as Antigone in the Amazon  (from May 2023) by artistic director Milo Rau and Ferox Tempus  by in-house artist Luanda Casella. In addition, through guest curator Alexia Leysen, ecology is also addressed in NTGent's new Fingerprints-line. At the request of the Ghent city theatre, Leysen took over part of the guest programming for season 22-23.


  • Théâtre de Liège (Belgium)
  • MC93 - Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis (France)
  • National Theatre of Croatia in Zagreb (Croatia)
  • The Royal Dramatic Theatre, Dramaten, Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Lithuanian National Drama Theatre (Lithuania)
  • Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa (Italia)
  • Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Hungary)
  • Teatro Nacional D. Maria II (Portugal)
  • NTGent (Belgium)
  • Maribor Slovene National Theatre - Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (Slovenia)
  • Riga Technical University - University of Latvia (Latvia)
  • European Theatre Convention (Germany)
  • Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei (Taïwan)
Co Funded By The European Union 1
Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like