La reprise | NTGent
22.09.18 07.10.22

La reprise Milo Rau / IIPM & NTGent

La Reprise 2 Michiel Devijver Web Michiel Devijver
Liège, April 2012. Ihsane Jarfi, Muslim and gay, is tortured and murdered. The crime shakes the whole city. Milo Rau reconstructs the murder on stage.

general info

FR-NL spoken
NL-EN surtitled

estimated duration


One night in April 2012, Ihsane Jarfi got into a conversation with four young men on a street corner in front of a gay club in Liège. Two weeks later, he was found dead at the edge of a forest. He had been tortured and violently murdered for hours. The crime shakes the whole city. In La Reprise, for the first time, the murder is being reconstructed on stage.

Since it has existed, theatre has conjured up the dead, and ritualised sins and collective traumas. Author and director Milo Rau approaches tragedy as an allegorical crime play. What is at the root of a crime? Intention or coincidence? What role does the audience play? What is the fault of the collective? Can a crime be reconstructed at all? Who will be on stage?

Together with the four actors Sara De BosschereSébastien FoucaultJohan Leysen and Tom Adjibi, warehouse keeper Fabian Leenders and dog sitter Suzy Cocco, he follows the trail of a terrible crime, in search of the fatal events and emotions of the tragic experience: loss and grief, lie and truth, disaster and fear, cruelty and terror. Professional and non-professional actors reflect on both the highs and lows of life and put themselves in the shoes of the protagonists of a brutal murder case. This creates a manifesto for a democratic 'theatre of the real'.

This performance was selected for the 2019 Theatre Festival and was awarded the 'Prix de la Critique' for best foreign performance.

'Better than a monument for the dead'
Hassan Jarfi - father of the victim

With this first part, Milo Rau introduces the series Histoire(s) du Théâtre: a performative investigation into the oldest art form of mankind. Rau and his team return to the fundamental problems of their artistic work in the last 15 years: how to represent violence and traumatic events on stage? It is both a search for the core of the fundamentally tragic 'condition humaine' and a celebration of the power of theatre.

'The sensation of the Avignon festival (...) Mr. Rau managed to get to the heart of the senseless brutality of this crime, while questioning our experience of it as audience members'
Laura Cappelle - New York Times


Tom Adjibi, Suzy Cocco, Sara De Bosschere, Sébastien Foucault, Fabian Leenders, Johan Leysen

concept & direction

Milo Rau

dramaturgy & research

Milo Rau & ensemble

dramaturgical collaboration

Stefan Bläske, Carmen Hornbostel

assistant dramaturgy

François Pacco

set & costume design

Anton Lukas

assistant set design

Patty Eggerickx

sound design & technical direction

Jens Baudisch

light design

Jurgen Kolb

singing teacher

Murielle Legrand

fight choreographer

Cédric Cerbara

direction assistant

Carmen Hornbostel


Mascha Euchner-Martinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann

technical team on tour

Camera: Jim Gossens Bara, Geluid Video: Pierre-Olivier Boulant, Licht: Sylvain Faye, Sebastian König


Mustapha Aboulkhir, Richard Harris, Carmen Hornbostel, François Pacco, met de steun van ONDA


Mustapha Aboulkhir, Stefan Bläske, Tom De Brabandere, Elise Deschambre, Thierry Duirat, Stéphane Cornikowski, Kevin Lerat, François Pacco, Daniel Roche de Oliveira, Laura Sterckx, Adrien Varsalona

set and costume

Ateliers van Théätre National Wallonie-Bruxelles


Maxime Jennes, Dimitri Petrovic


Masime Jennes, Moritz von Dungern

musical arrangement

Gil Mortio

public relations iipm

Yven Augustin

with support of

het technische team van NTGent


Tom Adjibi, Suzy Cocco, Sara De Bosschere , Sébastien Foucault, Fabian Leenders, Johan Leysen

concept & direction

Milo Rau

dramaturgy & research

Milo Rau & ensemble

dramaturgical collaboration

Stefan Bläske , Carmen Hornbostel

assistant dramaturgy

François Pacco

set & costume design

Anton Lukas

assistant set design

Patty Eggerickx

sound design & technical direction

Jens Baudisch

light design

Jurgen Kolb

singing teacher

Murielle Legrand

fight choreographer

Cédric Cerbara

direction assistant

Carmen Hornbostel


Mascha Euchner-Martinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann

technical team on tour

Camera: Jim Gossens Bara, Geluid Video: Pierre-Olivier Boulant, Licht: Sylvain Faye, Sebastian König


Mustapha Aboulkhir, Richard Harris, Carmen Hornbostel , François Pacco, met de steun van ONDA


Mustapha Aboulkhir, Stefan Bläske , Tom De Brabandere, Elise Deschambre, Thierry Duirat, Stéphane Cornikowski, Kevin Lerat, François Pacco, Daniel Roche de Oliveira, Laura Sterckx, Adrien Varsalona

set and costume

Ateliers van Théätre National Wallonie-Bruxelles


Maxime Jennes, Dimitri Petrovic


Masime Jennes, Moritz von Dungern

musical arrangement

Gil Mortio

public relations iipm

Yven Augustin

with support of

het technische team van NTGent
Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise