The Interrogation
Louis and Rau have been friends for a long time, a friendship born out of their joint search for an art of the real. “The core of theatre is the same as in literature: to show what is difficult to show. Theatre should not be a safe place”, Louis wrote about Rau’s play Family.
With the performance The Interrogation, they present now a very personal text about doubting and failing. The play was written and staged by Louis and Rau in spring 2021, originally commissioned by Kunstenfestivaldesarts, IIPM & NTGent, but never premiered. Now it’s finally live to see. Performed by NTGent global ensemble actor Arne De Tremerie, The Interrogation is a “demonstration for vulnerability”, a moment of poetic standstill.
Can we escape our biography through art, or is art only the record of a failed liberation? “It’s a deeply melancholic play, a fragmentary play, a tender play”, as Louis and Rau said in an interview – a constant exchange on theatre and reality, failing and transformation, fiction and truth, on becoming and being.
"IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL, IT IS PURE AND SIMPLE AND IT GOES TO THE BOTTOM (...) SUPERB"Armelle Héliot - renowned French theatre journalist
✒ Édouard Louis has gained worldwide success in recent years with his books, in which he describes his life from his teenage years, his struggles in a small town in northern France and growing up as a young homosexual man. Theatre plays a crucial role in his life. Playing theatre himself brings him into contact with literature, but also teaches him how to survive through acting.
✒ Milo Rau proves in projects like The Congo Tribunal, La Reprise, Orestes in Mosul, The New Gospel or School of Resistance that theatre does not have to be detached from society but that it is a necessary contribution to politics, culture, and society – a place to tell true stories that shape our society.
"Every time, truth is a fight, because we live in a world of lies about poor people, about gay people, about what we experience"Édouard Louis - The Guardian
Edouard Louis, Milo Raudirection
Milo Raudramaturgy
Carmen Hornbostellight design
Dennis Diels , Ulrich Kellermann (on tour)production
International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), NTGent, coproduction Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brusselcoproduction
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussel- 11 Mar 24 — Knack Focus (BE) - " Arne De Tremerie is een innemende Édouard Louis in ‘The Interrogation’ (NTGent)" (recensie The Interrogation)
- 30 Jan 24 — Napoli Zon (IT) "In de Mercadante in Napels, Milo Rau's theater met twee werken" (aankondiging van ''The Interrogation' en ' La Reprise: Histoire du Théâtre I' van Milo Rau in Napels)
- 5 Jan 23 — De Morgen - 'Milo Raus simpelste, intiemste én beste voorstelling van de laatste jaren' (recensie The Interrogation ****)
- 16 Jun 22 — Etcetera - "Metamorfosen van een steracteur" - (review 'The Interrogation')
- 2 Jun 22 — Het Nieuwsblad (Gent) - "Nieuwe seizoen NTGent oogt opvallend Gents: jonge theatermakers en acteurs krijgen kansen"
- 24 May 22 — Médiapart (FR) - "De melancholie van het gevecht" - (bespreking 'The Interrogation')
- 20 May 22 — Le Journal d'Armelle Héliot (FR) - "Prangende vragen" - (recensie 'The Interrogation')
- 10 Mar 22 — Pzazz - 'Van mislukking tot triomf' (The interrogation van Milo Rau)
- 4 Mar 22 — Theaterkrant- 'Mislukt theaterproject wordt alsnog uitermate boeiende toneelavond'
- 21 May 21 — De Volkskrant (NL) - "Grens van het Toneel" - (voorbeschouwing The Interrogation)