The education system is a casting mould through which everyone must pass. But what if you feel alienated in that system? What if you feel as if you cannot be yourself? What if you’re losing motivation for what could interest you instead of finding it?
Last academic year, more than 26 000 Flemish students had been temporarily or permanently suspended. Why has the student dropout rate increased so dramatically? And what does that say about our current educational model?
What does it mean to constantly fall outside the boundaries of today’s education system?
(read more after the video)
The Dutch theatre and programme maker Lara Staal, together with Ghent-based musician, beatboxer and performer Serdi Faki Alici, went in search of young people who refuse to conform to the expectations of our current education system. Young people who strain their backs against the confines, challenge authority, and question the rules.
The Dutch theatre and programme maker Lara Staal, together with Ghent-based musician, beatboxer and performer Serdi Faki Alici, went in search of young people who refuse to conform to the expectations of our current education system. Young people who strain their backs against the confines, challenge authority, and question the rules.
Dissident is a mix of live acting and documentary film material in which parents, teachers, youth workers and pedagogues are also involved. In 12 lessons, the young actors expose what they consider to be the most pressing problems of education and formulate a counterproposal.
An indictment of the mould that current education forms, in which those who are 'different' and fall by the wayside now have their say.
Meet the cast!
- Seppe Jacobs
- Isaac Van Weyenberg
- Siham Lamrini
- Haroun Couvreur
- Serdi Faki Alici
concept & direction
Lara Staaldramaturgy
Eline Bankenperformance, coaching & music
Serdi Faki Aliciscenography
Grischa Rungevideo design
Pascal Poissonnierdirection assistant
Katelijne Laevensinternship direction assistant
Juno Kapurtechnical support
Sander Michiels , Laurent Ysebaerttechnical production management
Raf Willemstour assistant & surtitles
Eline Bankenproduction- and tourmanager
Els Jacxsens , Klaas Lievens , Jeroen Vanluyten Dirk Crommelinck , Saartje Cauwenbergh , Laurens Anecawith support of
The Belgian Tax Shelter- 8 Mar 22 — Re-story - 'Jongeren willen niet meer leren reproduceren wat er is, ze willen de tools krijgen om te veranderen' (Dissident)
- 13 Dec 21 — Rektoverso: Kapitale vergissing, dissidente omwenteling
- 9 Dec 21 — E-tcetera: Uitzonderingen op de regel
- 23 Nov 21 — Theaterkrant: Dissidenten openen de aanval op het onderwijssysteem - (Recensie Dissident) - Rotterdam
- 23 Nov 21 — Dewereldmorgen: ‘Dissident’: jongeren tonen hoe hopeloos achterhaald ons onderwijssysteem is en hoe het anders kan (Interview Lara Staal)
- 17 Nov 21 — De Standaard - "Rebellen spellen de school een lesje" - (recensie 'Dissident' ***)
- 16 Nov 21 — Het Nieuwsblad- "Gefronste wenkbrauwen" - (recensie 'Dissident' ***)
- 15 Nov 21 — Het Nieuwsblad - "Elke zondag lag ik bleitend in mijn bed: fuck, morgen weer school" - (reportage Dissident)
- 12 Nov 21 — De Morgen - "Niet iedereen kan aarden op school" - (voorbeschouwing 'Dissident')
- 8 Nov 21 — Subbacultcha - 'We thematiseren de macht van het systeem, we gebruiken zijn strategieën'